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Scholars Welfare Foundation Sialkot Pakistan: DUNS Number 645744736 & NCAGE Code SXN14 Ref pk 15015443777 dated Jan 15,2015. SAM Registration Process Completed and Validated. Scholars Welfare Foundation believes in a world in which children, youth, women and teachers are valued and empowered their rights promoted and protected.


Our Mission

Scholars Welfare Foundation believes in a world in which children, youth, women and teachers are valued and empowered their rights promoted and protected.

Our Vision

One day every person will discover their power to make difference, creating healthy communities in vibrant, socially responsible and participatory societies.

Thematic Areas.

Continuous Professional Development, Health, Women, Children, Youth, Education, Training and Capacity Building, Gender conflict issues, Drug Abuse, Poverty
Alleviation, Income Generation / Livelihood, Governance & Environment.


  1. Loyalty
  2. Integrity
  3. Tolerance,
  4. Peace,
  5. Gender Sensitivity,
  6. Governance.

Scholars Welfare Foundation expects the highest standards of integrity and professionalism from all those associated with it. This Handbook exists to help management,
staff and volunteers achieve those standards.

A Registered Not Profitable Charity Organization

Registered in Punjab Pakistan

Registration#:169- DO-SW-CD(Regd)/SLK of 2013 under Registration and Control Ordinance 1961-XLVI

Authorized Representative for Raising and Collecting of Donations in UK and Europe

Our Board has duly Authorized Danish Mir for Fund Raising & Collecting Donation by resolution no. 63 dated 23rd Jan 2015. He will be responsible for projecting Fund Raising Activities in UK and on word transfer to Scholars Welfare Foundation Sialkot Pakistan Legitimate Bank Account. 48 Randolph Road Langley , Slough, SL3 7QG, UK

Donations for Specific Activities Compaigns and Projects


Bank Account:-

Scholars Welfare Foundation

Bank Name: National Bank of Pakistan IBAN: PK47NBPA0405004141334032 Address: Main Urdu Bazar Sialkot - 51310 - Pakistan