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Scholars Welfare Foundation Sialkot Pakistan: DUNS Number 645744736 & NCAGE Code SXN14 Ref pk 15015443777 dated Jan 15,2015. SAM Registration Process Completed and Validated. Scholars Welfare Foundation believes in a world in which children, youth, women and teachers are valued and empowered their rights promoted and protected.

BUDGETSMonitoring, Evaluation and Assessment POLICY and Procedures

5. Purpose of Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation activities are undertaken to achieve any of the following purposes:5.1.1. To be used as a tool to help planners initiate new projects, programmes or policies;5.1.2. To determine whether existing interventions should be strengthened or discarded;5.1.3. To facilitate continuous improvement in service provision;5.1.4 To assess the overall effectiveness and efficiency of social interventions in terms of their outputs, outcomes, costs and impacts; and where necessary, to determine the catalytic Effects and sustainability of such projects and programmes

  1. 5.1. Purpose of the PolicyThis policy seeks to place the practice of monitoring and evaluation within the broader management accountability framework and to clarify
    the roles and responsibilities
  2. 5.2 Overall GoalThe overall goal of this policy is to establish common structures and standards that would govern the application of effective monitoring and evaluation
    systems facilitating the attainment of maximum benefits from social interventions.
  3. 5.3 PrinciplesThe policy is based on the following fundamental principles:5.3.1. The primary responsibility to ensure Judicious use of resources with which they are
    entrusted;5.3.2. The resources allocated to social sector interventions should be effectively and efficiently utilized to achieve results that can quantitatively and
    qualitatively improve the lives of the beneficiaries; and5.3.3. The application of time-tested monitoring and evaluation tools should form an integral part of achieving results.
  4. 5.4 Strategic ObjectivesThis monitoring and evaluation policy framework has five main strategic objectives:5.4.1. To facilitate accountability at all management levels in
    the provision of social services;5.4.2. To facilitate the utilization of reliable, timely and relevant information for the social programme initiatives;5.4.3. To disseminate
    best practice findings for improved project and programme performance;5.4.4. To strengthen evaluation capacity; 5.4.5. To standardize processes and procedures used to
    monitor and evaluate social interventions.

Evaluation Standards

  1. 5.5.Technical Standards
  2. 5.5.1. Prior to undertaking an evaluation of a social sector intervention, the evaluator shoulddevelop an evaluation plan, describing the background to the evaluation,
    keyquestions/issues to be evaluated, the methodology to be applied, the costs to be incurred,the evaluation team and the evaluation schedule.
  3. 5.5.2. The terms of reference should be accepted by key stakeholders before commencement of an evaluation.
  4. 5.5.3. Evaluations should be based on high technical standards. Time-tested methods should be used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
  5. 5.5.4. Evaluation findings should be based on well-tested theories, values, assumptions andhypotheses.
  6. 5.5.5. The methods used for data collection and analysis should be described in detail.
  7. 5.5.6. When designing questionnaires, evaluators should avoid loaded, sensitive orembarrassing questions.
  8. 5.5.7. Evaluators should uphold the interest of beneficiaries and those of other stakeholders.
  9. 5.5.8. Evaluators should be gender and culture sensitive.
  10. 5.5.9. Facts should be crosschecked to eliminate personal biases. Evaluation informationshould withstand validity and credibility tests. Evaluators should not
    manipulate data tomeet the desired outcome.
  11. 5.5.10. Increases in accuracy or validity should be weighed against practicality and value gained in decisions to spend additional time or money on the evaluation.
  12. 5.5.11. Evaluators should record both the strengths and weaknesses of the programme.

    5.6. Core Competency

    1. 5.6.1. Evaluators tasked with evaluating social sector programmes should have the corecompetencies and/or the right mix of skills to carry out the assignment
      with maximum credibility and acceptance of findings. Where such skills are lacking, efforts should be made to make use of external consultants.
    2. 5.6.2. To stay at the cutting edge of their skills, evaluators should participate in continuouscareer development and training. They should undertake refresher course
      andparticipate in international and regional conferences on a regular basis.

        5.7. Ethics

        1. 5.7.1. Evaluators must exhibit a high degree of integrity
        2. 5.7.2. Where an evaluator has an embedded interest in a programme or in an outcome of an evaluation, such interest should be declared up front. And if possible, the
          evaluatorshould not participate in the exercise.5.7.3. Evaluators should consider the public interest in the conduct of an evaluation, even if this does not appear to coincide
          with the clients’ interest.

              5.8. Reporting

              1. 5.8.1. Except in cases where exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, evaluation findings should be made available to all stakeholders for comments prior to releasing
                the final report.
              2. 5.8.2. The findings, conclusions and recommendations resulting from an evaluation exercise should be presented to stakeholders in a clear and objective manner.
              3. 5.8.3. Findings should be communicated in a way that respects stakeholders’ dignity, evenwhen negative.


                    What changes have there been in the community since the beginning of the project? Which of the changes are attributable to the project? What difference have these change
                    made in people’s lives?


                    Were the project outcomes in line with beneficiaries’ needs? Did the project effectively address the core problem?


                    To what extent have the objectives been achieved? And at what costs? If objectives were not met, then why? 


                    Were the costs in proportion to the benefits?

                    Strategies and action used:

                    What were the strengths in the strategies/ actions? What were the weak points? How effective was the project management? Should any changes be made in the project
                    management practices of Scholars Welfare Foundation. 

                    SWF has decided to enforce six segregated Monitoring Officers for the best outcomes. Their responsibilities are defined in this document as

                    1. Dr. Abdul Rasheed fakhre for Health and Women. 
                    2. Rashid Bashir for Child Labour, Human Rights, Disastrous and Crises Management. 
                    3. Younas Danish for Youth
                    4. Malik Muhammad Rafique for Prisoners Rehabilitation and Addiction. 
                    5. Mrs. Ghazala Hina for Women Conflict Issues.
                    6. Fahad Saeed for Religious and Ethnic harmony, Continuous Professional Development and Media.

                    Responsibilities and Role:

                    Each person will be designated as the Monitoring Officer for each project. 

                    A monitoring plan will be adopted for each project which sets targets for each Impact, Outcome, Output and Input. The plan will specify what indicators will be used to
                    measure progress against these targets; and who is responsible for collecting and reporting data on the indicators to the Monitoring Officer. 
                    Projects of more than one year shall include interim targets for Outcomes, Outputs and Inputs which will not normally be longer than 6 months.
                    Monitoring Officer of the relevant and designated project will be responsible for ensuring that data is collected on all indicators. 
                    Monitoring Officer of the relevant and designated project will be responsible for reporting to donors on progress against targets.
                    Monitoring Officer of the relevant and designated project will submit a report on progress against target for all indicators to the Leadership at least once a month.
                    Monitoring Officer of relevant and designated project will immediately highlight any targets which have been, or are likely to be, missed.

                        12.1    Management Statement:

                        1. 12.1.1 The original Reserves Policy was agreed in 2014.
                        2. 12.1.2 The Reserves Policy states that the NGO retain a particular sum of funds for the purpose of ensuring that the NGO has sufficient resources to meet possible contingency situations and to allow for response to new situations and opportunities.
                        3. 12.1.3 The last time the Reserves Policy was updated was in 2014.
                        4. 12.1.4 This Policy will next be reviewed by  President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Secretary  & 3 members of Executive Committee by 2015.

                         12.2    Current Position:

                        1. 12.2.1 Current reserves held are SWF collect funds from its own sources for current expenditures.
                        2. 12.2.2 These reserves are held as [cash, bank savings scheme, bonds, shares etc.].
                        3. 12.2.3 The NGO utilised Rs 400000/- from its reserves during the last twelve months.
                        4. 12.2.4 Manager Finance is responsible for recording transactions associated with reserves in the books of accounts at the end of the financial year.

                        12.3    Reserves Target for next 12 months:

                        1. 12.3.1 Within the next year, the target for free reserves is Rs2000000/-  yearly. This target will be achieved by Mutual contribution & donations if available.

                        12.4    Use of Reserves:

                        1. 12.4.1 Free reserves can be used for Rent, Utility Bills, travel, Salaries of full time employees & Funding Shortfalls Any expenditure of reserves must be approved
                          by  President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Secretary  & 3 members of Executive Committee Any spent reserves should be replaced as soon as possible.
                          If more than 25% of reserves are spent, this policy should be reviewed.

                         12.5    Reporting of Reserves:

                        1. 12.5.1 A summary of this policy, the reserves target and the level of free reserves currently held shall be stated in the NGO Annual Report.

                        A Registered Not Profitable Charity Organization

                        Registered in Punjab Pakistan

                        Registration#:169- DO-SW-CD(Regd)/SLK of 2013 under Registration and Control Ordinance 1961-XLVI

                        Authorized Representative for Raising and Collecting of Donations in UK and Europe

                        Our Board has duly Authorized Danish Mir for Fund Raising & Collecting Donation by resolution no. 63 dated 23rd Jan 2015. He will be responsible for projecting Fund Raising Activities in UK and on word transfer to Scholars Welfare Foundation Sialkot Pakistan Legitimate Bank Account. 48 Randolph Road Langley , Slough, SL3 7QG, UK

                        Donations for Specific Activities Compaigns and Projects

                        GENERAL DONATIONS

                        Bank Account:-

                        Scholars Welfare Foundation

                        Bank Name: National Bank of Pakistan IBAN: PK47NBPA0405004141334032 Address: Main Urdu Bazar Sialkot - 51310 - Pakistan